Thank you to all of our 2019 sponsor's!! We couldn't do it without you!!
2019 Sponsor's
Breeder’s World Weaver Sullivan
Gold Sponsor's:
H and R Ranch Double H Land and Cattle
KLD Miniature Herefords Rockindlo Ranch
Spring Mountain Farms Goss Livestock
Rolling Hills Cattle Co.
Silver Sponsor's:
5D Cattle Company Harmon Show Cattle
Chelesa FFA Chapter Thomas Farms Custom Cattle
B&M Cattle Reed Family Farms
Supple Show Cattle Tibken Farms
Brian and Diane Jex Sandy Hill Farms
Coopertop Services LLC Jinkin's Family
Bronze Sponsor's:
Henkhaus Livestock Scott Show Cattle
Rulon Carlisle CSK Mini’s Kucera Family
Bear Grove QM Farms
Trapp Family Double H Land and Cattle Co.
Triple E Farms Goretska Livestock
EZ Farms-Miniature Herefords
Century Sponsor's:
Kacey Harris Double T Cattle Co
Splitt Creek Ranch Muir Embroidery
Dustin Dorsey Andis
Kirk Steirwalt Daniel Wiley
Jack and Paula Carter Christensen Cattle Co.
Ray Rexendes MHBA Royalty
Kinder Family Ashley Junis
VanVilet Family Alexander Family
Circle C Cattle Co Waters Ranch
Rafter P Ranch Blake Davis
Hobann Miniature Herefords Justin Grady
Landwehr Land & Cattle Co. T&D Meats at Okemah Electric Cleaner Co.